Bind methods and possibly attach listeners.
Base element of this slider
additional behaviour
Rounding method used to calculate the current slide (e.g. Math.floor, Math.round, Math.ceil, or totally custom.)
factor indicating th current position (e.g "0" for first slide, "2.5" for third slide and a half)
f(x) - integer factor indicating the currently 'active' slide.
Timeout delay in milliseconds used to catch the end of scroll events
Calculated size of a single item
Computes a single number representing the slides widths.
By default, this will use the first slide's offsetWidth
Possible values could be an average of all slides, the min or max values, ...
current slider
entries: ResizeObserverEntry[]resized entries
integer size of a slide in pixels
Active slide
Extend the Slider's functionality with Plugins
Plugins to attach
Whether the plugins are enabled right away
Attach all necessary listeners
Detach all listeners
Scroll to a slide by index.
Free resources and listeners, disable plugins
Updates the computed values
Mostly CSS slider with great performance.